27 January 2008

Learn and earn with Moneyblogger

I am very new to blogging. I came across it while surfing the internet. After a bit of researching about blogs I decided to create one myself. My first blog was created in October 2007 from a social networking site popular with fellow Filipinos. I only did one post in it since I discovered Blogger, which I prefer to use.

I like Blogger because of the opportunity to earn money from my blogs (I have two at present and two still in the planning stage). Earning from blogging? Now that caught my attention when still researching about the topic. I thought to myself, that is a good incentive to motivate me to pursue this hobby. Yes, it is a hobby for me as I have a day job that pays me well enough. But greedy as I am, I want to earn more money!

Seriously, I was intrigued with the idea of earning money from sharing my thoughts and views on life to the rest of the world. Although making money is not the main reason I got into blogging I cannot discount the fact that it is a motivating factor. If I earn from my blogs it will make my wife happy, too! She is not too keen on me spending late night hours on the internet. She wants me rested and sleeping the night away instead. Understandably so as I have to bond with my young sons when I arrived from work; not to mention, too, the chores awaiting me at home!

Anyway, I did a Google search on the topic of earning from blogging and I came across Moneyblogger. It was very timely to come across it as I have just started blogging without any knowledge about computer programming. Moneyblogger "is a year long project started in October 2007 with a simple aim - to see how much money you can really make from blogging." Although it was about how to earn from blogging, the added value to me is that I also learn some of the 'basics' on creating a blog e.g. how to write the About Me page.

So far, Moneyblogger has proven to be indispensable to me as it is helping me a lot. I always refer to it if I want to improve on my blog. Whether I will earn money from my blog is not on my mind now. If it comes, it will be a great bonus. For now, I am happy just blogging my thoughts and views and whatever caught my fancy, to the world. And did I mention that by posting about Moneyblogger I have a chance to win an iPod Nano. How's that for a bonus!


  1. Hi, Jig. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Nothing is wrong with making money through blogging. We must all make it worthwhile. I have in fact dozens of friends who have monetized their blogs. My wife in fact earns a lot from hers.

    The most popular is the Smorty and Pay Per Post. But there are still many advertisers out there. I would like to recommend to you this site: http://sasha.akoni.info/. This belongs to a friend who has helped my wife tremendously. There pointers there that should give you a good idea on how to earn from blogging. Thanks again for the visit. I linked you and I hope you don't mind. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Hi, mschumey07. I am very pleasantly surprised upon receiving a comment, my first ever. Thanks for the recommendations. I will try them later on. You're right about making it worthwhile. And thanks for linking me, I will do the same. Cheers!
